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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

General FAQ’s

What is AYSO? What makes AYSO Different?
The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) is a nationwide non-profit organization whose mission is to provide quality youth soccer programs where everyone builds positive character through participation in a fun, family-oriented soccer environment. It’s AYSO’s five philosophies that separate us from the pack.

What are those Five Philosophies?
1) Everyone Plays – we promise each of our players a minimum playing time of one-half of each game. There are no ‘bench warmers’ in AYSO

2) Balanced Teams – whenever possible, we try to have an equal mix of experienced and new players on each team. The game is more fun when teams are of equal ability.

3) Open Registration – our program is open to all children between the ages of 4 to 18 who register and want to play. There are no tryouts. Interest and enthusiasm, not skill or experience, are the only criteria for playing!

4) Positive Coaching – is the glue that holds together the AYSO philosophies and gives them meaning for AYSO players. Coaches should instruct without condemning, praise the individual, display good sportsmanship and, in general, set a good example for AYSO kids.

5) Good Sportsmanship – we desire to create a positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude. Applauding good play and effort on both teams; cheering for your team, but not against the other; and encouraging ALL players to do their best will help instill the philosophy of good sportsmanship in every facet of our AYSO program.

In addition to those philosophies, AYSO has also implemented the Kids Zoneprogram. You can read more about it here.

What is a Region? An Area? A Section?
AYSO’s grassroots program starts with a community-based league, called a region. A region can range in size from less than a hundred players to several thousand. Each Region is supervised by a Regional Commissioner and a local board of directors.

A group of regions in close proximity make up an Area. Area Directors are responsible for activities of the Regions in their Area, as well as for Area-wide activities. There are 9 Regions in Area G.

For administrative purposes, AYSO divides the country into 14 geographic Sections based on player population. Section Directors oversee activities in their respective Sections. Area G is part of Section Five.

How can I resolve a problem?
In most cases, the place to start is with your coach. He or she can help resolve the problem or direct you to the right person.

For more serious problems, please contact your region’s Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator, Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate, Assistant Regional Commissioner, or Regional Commissioner depending on the nature of the problem.

What will my child need to play AYSO Soccer?

In addition to the uniform the player will need shin guards, a soccer ball (size depends on age), soccer shoes (cleats are optional), You should also provide a water bottle of some type for practices. Remember: at games and practices players should not wear anything with buckles, clips, or any other ornamentation that might cause injury.

Are shin guards required?
Yes, shin guards are required for every game and practice. Coaches will not allow a player to practice or play in a game without shin guards.

Why do the shin guards go under the socks?
Safety is the primary reason. Some types of shin guards have a hard shell instead of soft, and may have edges that could injure a player. Straps can loosen during contact and exposed parts of the shin guard can also cause injuries. By wearing their socks over the shin guards, players protect each other. The referees can easily check before play is begun to ensure all players are properly dressed.

What size ball does my child need?
U-6 and U-8 play with a size three ball, U-10 and U-12 play with a size four ball, U-14 and up play with a size five ball.

What footwear is allowable in AYSO soccer? What are soccer cleats? Do players need them?
Footwear must consist of regulation soccer shoes, gym shoes, tennis shoes or sneakers. Soccer cleats are not required, but are recommended for the traction they provide. Soccer cleats are NOT the same as baseball or football cleats (which have a spike at the toe) and are NOT ALLOWED for safety reasons.

My daughter wants to get her ears pierced. She won’t really have to remove those little starter earrings, will she? 
Unfortunately, yes. Players may not wear anything that is dangerous to any player. All jewelry must be removed prior to the start of a game. All players will be checked for jewelry, watches, and barrettes or hard hair fasteners. This includes earrings, even taped. In the event that a medical alert bracelet must be worn, the coach may use athletic tape to secure the bracelet securely against the player’s wrist. The referee has the final word on allowability of any player’s apparel.

Can my child play with a cast, even if it’s padded?
Absolutely not! For multiple safety reasons to protect your child and the other players, splints and casts, even if padded, are not permitted. Only soft knee braces may be worn upon inspection and approval of the referee prior to the match.

Can I display my child’s name on his uniform? 
No. AYSO national guidelines do not allow names, patches, or any other markings on the uniform unless authorized by your Region. 

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Contact Us

AYSO Area 5G

Pete Xiques, Director, AYSO Area 5G 
 Tennessee 37931

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 865-604-2678
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